Once you have registered version of AccessImagine, all users that work with your databases will experience registered version too – without any advertizing and reminders. They will not see even the name of component actually.
Please provide your real e-mail during payment process. You’ll receive your activation code on your e-mail shortly.
Contact access@bukrek.net once you have any questions or problems with payment processing.

Is it full license price?
Yep, its full price. No additional charges and limitations.
How to install to client?
You can install it manually with the installer or put installation script in your MDB file, like in our sample database – http://access.bukrek.net/tutorial/ms-access-sample-database
I buy a Access Imagine
But I mistake a quantity
I buy only one. Only 78$
But checkout is 156 $
Can I cancel?
Can you help me?
You have typed quantity of 2 by mistake. We have ordered the refund for you.
Greetings from Barcelona, Spain.
Control your images be rotated?
Cheers, Miguel!
AccessImagine can rotate images by 90 degrees with .TurnRight and .TurnLeft VBA commands.
I have one hobby in my live and that is prgramming. I amn a invalid and can not outside the house. So you can imagine that i have not much money. Please can you send my a AccesImagine and that i pay for it montley for example 10 usd
I hope you will help me
Greetings, Bonno!
AccessImagine is shareware, that means you can use it as long as you like, but it will show some reminders time to time.
It doesn’t have any functional limiations this way.
You can download AcessImagine here – http://access.bukrek.net/download
Hi Max D:
Greetings from Pakistan..
What type of reminders it shows time to time? and how long I use the shareware version?
Greetings! Remiders are using such a scheme:
1. After few days is starts to write small line at the bottom of the contol (AccessImagine / access.bukrek.net)
2. After a week it starts to show about window and open AccessImagine site once a day.
There is no time limitations, you can use shareware version FOREVER.
Good day! Just wondering what are the disadvantages of not purchasing a license copy of it? Is the one available for free download is just a trial version? Thanks!
This is fully functional version available for download here.
Without activation, it will start to show few words at the bottom of control in few days. In a week it will begin to open AccessImagine site once a day when the control is used.
Thats all about “disadvantages”. Control and data stays functional all the time.
Can AccessImagine be used with runtime versions of MS Access?
Yep, it works with Access runtime the same way, no problems.
If I need to store pictures in a folder and registry as I am changing the right image shows me, what value I put in “source control”?
(sorry for my english.)
You need to bind AccessImagine object to the text field, that will store image filenames and set StoragePath to the folder name, where the pictures are held (like “c:\Mypics”).
I purchased a developer license. I do not know how to enter this code to activate the software.
I have tried deploying a database with this reference and control. However the database does not work on other machines. What do I need to do to deploy this control with databases I distribute?
To get the activation window, press double-click at working AccessImagine object (not in design mode).
You need to install AccessImagine at every PC you use your database. Also you can utilize auto-install script, used in sample database – http://access.bukrek.net/samples
is the license per computer?
Nope, license is “per developer”. If developer have a license, AccessImagine in his databases stays activated at all clients computers.
Is there an option to scan to PDF to create multi-page documents?
I am interested in buying your product.
Nope, AccessImagine doesn’t supports PDFs and multi-page documents.
Tnx for quick reply.
Thanks u for info. I will Do the needful soon.
Licence question: What if we use this and redistribute with our access database to clients?
You are allowed to do this. All clients using your database will experience activated AccessImagine version without any reminders.
There is no need to activate each PC that uses your database.
Will I get access to VBA commands to directly address functions with the developers license (e.g. create a button on a form to shoot without the preview window)?
Developers license only removes reminders.
You can access and test all VBA commands right now.
To get picture without preview window use Pic.InstantScan command. However you need to have AccessImagine object placed on form to do that – but you can hide it some way.
Two questions:
– where can I find the available VBA commands?
Can you please give me a small vba script example to do this? Thx!
VBA commands are at documentation here – http://access.bukrek.net/documentation
Place AccessImagine object at form, call it Pic and write this in button VBA:
Can I pay with mastercard, cuase is says it is not supported, please help
Yep, there are some problems with mastercard processing at this moment. Maybe you have PayPal? Make payment to the access@bukrek.net
I see there is a problem with mastercard. Is this a tempory problem?
I do like to buy accessimagine
Our payment had some problems with mastercard processing recently. I don’t know if it is solved or no.
Have you tried to purchase with your card already?
Well, I orderd just using PayPal.
I just want to be clear on this, since my employer is picky about where I spend money. I have a couple of questions.
If I purchase a license and develop a database using the registered version, I can install the software on all the other computers in my company and they will be able to use the database without seeing the reminder messages?
Do I have to put the registration code into each computer or just the one I use to develop the database?
It’s a wonderful piece of software,
Thank you
Thank you!
Its enough to enter code at development PC only – and all users will not see any reminders.
Sure, you have to install AccessImagine at client computers.
Good afternoon, I made the payment by paypal, my email milton.atalaia @ hotmail.com
waiting for the activation code
To be honest, purchases are processed in hand mode, so some delay (up to 24 hours) may apply. I’ve just sent you the activation code.
I’am interest to purchase a license but i don’t have paypal or credit cards. do you other payment method ?
I think we can find some way. Written you an e-mail.
Is there a way to change the saved filed name to be a combination of the field names in use in the database? i.e. FirstName.LastName
Yep, bind AccessImagine to the field (or computed query result) that you want to use as filenames source.
Good day.
If I buy the developer license, I can install it on multiple computers?
That way I can activate automatically on computers?
Also works in Visual basic application or Visual.net
Once you have the license, AccessImagine is activated at all client computers automatically.
AccessImagine works at VB and .NET. Download it and try by your own – http://access.bukrek.net/download
Good day.
How do I get the discount to license?
There is no discounts for Developer License.
I’m using ms access 97 create a small aplication inserting the activex but I do not record the image in the database.
The image was recorded in the database in 64 format? (pictures are in jpg format)
I request that images are 640 x 480 where should I tell the activex
The properties of activex only seen when the product is purchased?
Thank you for your prompt response
AccessImagine is fully functional without license.
To see AccessImagine properties, press right mouse button on it, select “Properties” and then go to “Other” tab.
There is no “Other” tab.
Take a look at Slide 5 here – https://access.bukrek.net/tutorial/starting
The image was recorded in the database in 64 format?
I request that images are 640 x 480 where should I tell the activex
Images are recorded as RGB JPEG’s.
You may set MaxWidth and MaxHeight design-time properties – and pictures will be scaled down.
Distribution Questions, I read your comments regarding distribution, please confirm or clarify that I understand correctly.
1. I register the OCX with the reg code you provide after Purchase.
2. I can place the OCX on multiple forms in an Access DB and embed images.
3. I can distribute the Access DB as and MDE
4. Nothing else is required, regardless if it an 32 bit or 64 bit version of Access.
5. I do not have to register the OCX on each machine I distribute to.
6. I can start another project and use the OCX on other projects.
If the above is true I will definitely buy the Image tool.
Yep, you understand everything right. You need to register OCX at the PC(s) you design your projects and thats all.
Take a note that AccessImagine should be installed at every client’s PC. There is no need to register OCX at client’s PCs.
Where is the best path for the OCX, the app mde folder or Systm32 folder if 32 bit or SysWOW64 folder if 64 bit?
Thanks for the quick response.
AccessImagine installers find the place for OCX automatically.
If you want to install OCX by your own, its better to keep it at project folder. But take a note that 32-bit and 64-bit are separate files and you need to register both at 64-bit systems.
I’m sorry for being so dense on this subject but I have been burned by very difficult installs of 3rd party dll’s/ocx’s
So if I distribute a 32 bit Access mde on a 64 bit machine do I need to install both AccessImagine.ocx and AccessImagine64.ocx on the users PC? Thanks again for your help.
Another question. I have a Cloud application where many users are mapped into their own folder running their own copy of the Access App. Do I need to put AccessImagine.ocx in each of their folders or can I put it in System32 and run regsever32 so I don’t have to distribute copies to each user folder?
In your case its better to use AccessImagine installer and let it make things happen.
Everything will be ok.
I am testing the ocx and one of the uses was to have users click on it to launch a function, but I can’t find a click event, how do I detect the click event?
There is no “On Click” event for ActiveX controls. You can use “On Enter” instead.
Are some of the methods such as StoragePath, LoadFile disabled on a non registered ocx, I do not see them to test.
What is the Custom property?
Good Day,
I just buy your wonderful software which helped me in my database and shortcut the waste time image processing using different applications to capture ,crop and add images to database.
Waiting to get the Dev-license from you soon.
Best regards.
Thank you for nice feedback! Activation info just sent.
sir Max is Pic.value doesnt work on my computer is there anyway i can extract file name and location and put it in a textbox im using ms 2010 win 7 32 bit
If you have AccessImagine control bound to some field, you can use that field value. I.e. you have it bound to Filename field – you can use Filename.Value
Of course, it will work only if you have StoragePath specified – otherwise images are stored in the database, not in files.
how to buy license
You need to press “Process Payment” button on this page.
thanx now work
I purchased single license before 6 months ago and I lost active code
My Name Is Moheb riad And Email :mohebriad@gmail.com
kindly Can you send it for me again
I have no any records on your email or name.
Please send me to access@bukrek.net any data to find your purchase.
I have save the picture externally it reads the picture are ok
when I click the next button on my Microsoft Access 2010 form
but I have the only problem is that if I move from my current record to the next record and if the next record is empty (no picture) then it shows the previous records picture . that gives me problems , what I want is if there is no picture then then it should not suppose to show any picture . thankx
That shouldn’t happen. Have you bound AccessImagine to some field?
I’m just exploring your software and so far I really like it. I was able to successfully modify the location of the stored images, but I haven’t been able to figure out where I can update the name of the file. Is there a way to do so?
There is no way to specify the filename. But if you bind AccessImagine to some field (i.e. record ID), it will be used as filenames source.
AccessImagine uninstalls as usual Windows programs.
Has this been tested with Access 2016?
Yep, AccessImagine works perfect with Access 2016.
if i buy one time 78$ can i use it on my access program that i copy paste in many computer ??? and can i use the code in every update ??
Yep, license will work for all your clients as well (without need to activate on their PCs).
Also you are free to upgrade any time, license works for all AccessImagine versions.
Hello, I was testing Access Imagine to load images into the database. Everything seemed to work fine but later I found out that the JPEG images stored in the database are smaller (dimensions and file size) than the original files.
Is this some limit of an evaluation version or some “feature”?
I would like to buy a license but this is a problem.
Thank you.
Nope, there is no limitations. Dimensions should be the same – until you specify MaxWidth and/or MaxHeight design-time properties.
Hello Max,
Thanks, I got the activation code. I have one question please. How can I disable the “Folder” icon so that users will not be able to access the folder where pictures are being stored? I had created a button to open storage folder that will only be visible to users with certain privileges. The folder icon on the control is beating my plan. Is there a way I can programmatically disable that?
There is no way to disable this button.
But if you do not browse to your “secret folder” before, users will not see it. This button is for loading some file into control, not for storage folder display.
Hi All
I have some question regarding Access Imagine. I couldn’t find information regarding, if it possible with Access Imagine add with MS Access Reports images from web.
For example:
I have image located at http://mysite.com/image1.jpg and I want add it into my MS Access report, without copy it into my computer or copy into MS Access report.
Could I have some options to do it with Access Imagine?
Hi. Thank you very much and god bless.
Can it zoom in the pictures that it grabbed.
You can set the control to show big image on click. Also you can crop the grabbed image.
Just I purchased Developer license, when I delivered my application to my client then again your company information appear and it says not registered, how this problem solved
I have created a table in Azure SQL Server with a field for the image [varbinary(max)]. I would like to store the pictures there so they can be accessed by users running on other computers. They are approximately 250KB in size. To add them from Access, I right click the OLE object in a browse window and choose the picture. It takes almost 1 minute to upload this picture to Azure. Will it take this amount of time with AccessImagine?
Our pictures will be printed as 2″ x 2″ on photo paper, so they could possibly be sized down but I have no idea what size to make them.
Yes, it should be much faster with AccessImagine.
Also, you can specify image downsampling right at AccessImagine properties.
Are you using latest AccessImagine 1.74?
yes AccessImagine 1.74? in msaccess 2010 on windows 10
i downloaded your sample then it also show video preview maximum 640*480 in camera capture mode setting does not allow to set more than that while my web cam is having maximum 1920*1080
Please check if Windows Camera App is able of getting high-res images with your camera. If not, then AccessImagine will not be able too.
is thare any suggestion for that? because windows camera app is also not getting high res. where as amcapv3.0.9 show high res.
Perform right mouse button click at “Use Device” icon and select your device – maybe there will be another result on direct access.
Also you can try to find another/updated drivers for you device.
I bought a new notebook and want to install the developer license. My old notebook has problem with HDD access and I can not get the license. How can I recover my license?
Sent you the activation info.
I’m using Accessimagine in my small private database … I would like to buy a full version with licence …. but not a developer one ( too expensive ). Do You have a version for single user with better price ? :)
Unfortunately, there is only one license type, that gives the ability to develop with AccessImagine.
Hi there, regarding Bukrek Publishing Sales Receipt 206593569083. I need to have one invoice for this purchase.Invoice is a legal document that you need to send after purchase.Please contact me. Thanks