
AccessImagine 1.74
Download (4.7 Mb)

Also you can download deploy pack or MSI 32-bit installer without license agreement step and demo database installation.

AccessImagine is SHAREWARE (read license agreement), it remains fully functional all the time. You can use this control as long as you like.

When you run this download, few files are installed along with demo database.

If you don’t know what to do next, please review Getting started with AccessImagine tutorial.

Feel free to write if you experience any problems or would like to make a feature request. Don’t hesitate to comment any page on this site using the bottom form.


  1. Neverming, got it :)

  2. o windows 10 nao esta permitindo a execução deste programa

  3. We have been using AccessImagine 1.74 successfully since 2013. We are now moving to windows 10 and now I have problems with Access 2016 and AccessImagine
    Is AccessImagine even compatible win Win10?
    In Access VBA Tools/References I add AccessImagine from C:\Program Files (x86)\AccessImagine\ AccessImagine.ocx (or AccessImagine64.ocx )
    In design mode when I open the Add ActiveX control list the AccessImaginePicture Control is not in the available control list.
    I have tried the DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRegisterActiveXControls without success.
    Am I missing something here?
    I work in a Government Hospital and our IT department will not assist with “Homemade” projects.
    Thankful for any suggestions
    Bengt Frost

    • AccessImagine works properly with Windows 10. Have you used the regular installer? Does the demo DB works?

      • And with regular installer I guess you mean AccessImagine164.exe ?
        And, No the demo DB does not work.
        I have checked the register and find no trace of AccessImagine Picture there so I guess our IT dep. needs to shape up! Swedish Gouvernment University hospital!!!
        Could you just please confirm that running AccessImagine164.exe is all it takes to install.
        Thank you /Bengt Frost

        • Yep, all you need to do at Windows 10 is to run AccessImagine174.exe – and it should be working.

          Something definitely went wrong at that PC.

          • OK so AccessImagine164 exe is NOT working on WIN10 then??

            Sorry but i need all information I can get before contacting our IT department.

            If we need to download AccessImagine174. What credentials can I use?
            My old email adress is no longer walid and has been replaced. Do we need to register again?
            Is the update free or do we have have to purchase a new licence.

          • I’m not sure about AccessImagine164.exe – that is too old version.
            AccessImagine license includes all future updates.
            Download AccessImagine 1.74 here –

    • Hi Bengt,
      I was having problems as well.
      Once I downloaded from link from below and installed, it worked.
      I might have been trying an older install of the product.

  4. Hello,
    Can you read an image in Azure blob storage using MS Access and AccessImagine,
    Thanks for your help

    • I don’t know.
      But if you are able to connect MS Access to it, AccessImagine should work.

  5. Max,

    Love the software. I bought it and developed an application using it. I am now trying to deploy it, but despite installing the deploy pack I still get the annoying accessimagineXX.ocx is missing error. Did I mess upp in installing the deploy pack? I just ran it. Do I need to do something else?

  6. Hi Max,
    Does it work with 64bit Windows 10? I have a license but don’t dare to install it as I am afraid it might break something. I am intending to work on it in my workplace.


  7. Can AccessImage show images from the Internet?

  8. Good morning. I am using Access Imagine 174 on my MS Access database to produce a QR code on a report. The QR code shows various information such as company name, account number, etc. All works fine unless a symbol is used in the company name (or any other field), so for example if the company name is ‘R&S Services Limited’ then the QR code fails and shows no information when scanned.

    Is there a fix for this please?

  9. Good morning. I am using Access Imagine 174 on my MS Access database to produce a QR code on a report. The QR code shows various information such as company name, account number, etc. All works fine unless a symbol is used in the company name (or any other field), so for example if the company name is ‘R&S Services Limited’ then the QR code fails and shows no information when scanned.

    Is there a fix for this please?

  10. Hi, Max.

    Is There any way to locale the app?

    • Unfortunately, no. Luckily there is no much texts in it.

  11. Hi Max, thanks a lot for that product, it is very helpfull. I would like to ask about the correct way to deploy it to my clients. You see i give them the .mde (Access 2003) and it works at the most cases. I have noticed that – often enough – the .mde cannot open a form that is contain the accessimagine 174 control. When i reinstall MSAccess 2003 runtime it works again. Any thoughts ???

    • Unfortunately, I have not seen such a case. Do you reinstall AccessImagine as well? May you reinstall Access Runtime x64 instead of x32 or vice a versa?

      • Thanks for the time. I just Reinstall MsAccess RunTime 2k3 and never reinstall AccessImagine.
        I always install the 32bit version on both 32 and 64 windows.

        • I do not have any idea why simple reinstalling Access Runtime may help.
          If you are using 32-bit version, any way of deploying will go, including MSI.

      • please I would like also to ask about the correct way to deploy it to my clients.

  12. Does this work with Windows 11? I have a project that freezes and resets the PC with a blue screen when the program takes a picture. The only thing that changed was the computer upgrading to Windows 11.

  13. Is Posibble to store image outside ms access and we call with link file from the form?

      • Kindly to have an example save to external storage. Please….

        • I have the storage path and I change the field type to longtext.
          I try once, the file storage in my path with the file name “dscf11881.jpg” and it’s work, but on the second record, while i upload a pic, it’s an error pop up.
          I think because the file name on the second record is the same name on the first record.
          Kindly to have your advice.
          Thanks you

          • I just try rework again from the beginning and it’s work successfully. sorry for the last chat.

  14. How to resize the image after store on external path (D:\pic)?
    The resolution after save/exit is too small to preview.
    Kindly to have advise. Thank you

    • If you have not specified MaxWidth/MaxHeight, the images are saved with the quality of your webcam, try to configure it in take image window.

      • Thank you for your fast reply. I set Max Width and Max Height to ) and it works perfectly.
        One more thing, is it possible to control the size mode (Clip, Zoom, Stretch) on the AccessImagine frame?

        • Nope, that is not possible. But you can choose the action on picture click by setting OnClick property – ShowFullPicture, ShowPanPicture or OpenPictureFile.

          • I hope in future it will upgrade with the size mode, because if we load pic from other file, it should be many different size resolution.
            It will look good in form view if the AccessImagine could be do that.
            In the other side, is it possible to mirror/flip horizontal or flip vertical ?

          • Unfortunately, there is no flip functions in AccessImagine.

  15. Hello, Is it possible after I Load a pic from the AccessImage, it will automatic move the cursor to next tab.
    I try all function on update, on exit, and loss focus, but there is no effect to force move the cursor to the next.
    Kindly advice

  16. I use 2 subform where subform 1 for accessImagine and another one is a data. while I got focus on the AccessImagine and move to another subform, it is an error that he AccessImagine in active and block all the subform in subforme 1. so if i do something action in subform 2, it is an error from subform 1.
    I hope there is a way that the AccessImagine autosave after change or something to elimated the error
    Thank you

    • Unfortunately, Access events do not work with AccessImagine.
      I do not know how to solve your issue.

  17. how to set the control source accessImagine with vba code while open then the form. Kindly advice

    • Picture0.ImageBind = …

    • This is the code you get after license purchase.

  18. Hello Max.

    I’ve been using AccessImagine for a while without difficulty to acquire images into an Access database. Till now I have been using a Microsoft webcam for image capture. With an Epson Photo Perfection 4870 it also works perfectly.

    I just got a Plustek MobileOffice S602 – a small portable scanner. Installation went alright. But when I try to scan, using WIA, it all starts as if it were working alright, takes the photo into the feeder but at the end I get a “WIA scanning failed: the parameter is incorrect” error message and no scan done in the end. I tried to troubleshoot but to no avail.

    Any idea? Thanks.

    • Greetings!
      Unfortunately, I do not have any ideas.
      Does the WIA scanning works ok from another applications?

      • Yes, it works there – from photoshop for example. I suspect an idiosyncratic behavior of this portable scanner. Anyway, I’m a coder and am very patient, I’ll keep troubleshooting this issue. Thank you again.

        • Sorry – forgot to type my name in the last reply. It appeared as from anonymous – but it’s me replying to you.

  19. This is a great tools. But please advise, how I can adjust the width/height of the control to the height/width of the picture retaining the size proportion.
    Thank you!

    • That can be done with VBA, but this is quite tricky.
      Usually setting AccessImagine background the same color as form background is enough.

  20. Hello, How do I activate the license. Thanks

    • Perform doubleclick somewhere in AccessImagine object, this will bring up license activation dialog.

  21. Just to know if another user access my database need to have this function installed on his PC too for it to work for him?

    • Yep, AccessImagine should be installed on every client PC.

  22. Thank you, it was just what I needed, it works perfectly on the form, but the images don’t show it in a report. what would be wrong?

    • Try to lower your printer resolution in printer settings.

  23. Is there a way to put a text WATERMARK on the photo being taken?

    • No, AccessImagine does not have such a function.

  24. Hi, when i take a photo it wont save on the form i mean when i close the form and open it again the picture will not show on the form i have to retake it .

    • More likely you have not bound AccessImagine to any field.


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