AccessImagine 1.74
Download (4.7 Mb)
Also you can download deploy pack or MSI 32-bit installer without license agreement step and demo database installation.
AccessImagine is SHAREWARE (read license agreement), it remains fully functional all the time. You can use this control as long as you like.
When you run this download, few files are installed along with demo database.
If you don’t know what to do next, please review Getting started with AccessImagine tutorial.
Feel free to write if you experience any problems or would like to make a feature request. Don’t hesitate to comment any page on this site using the bottom form.
Very nice, fast, smart and functional. Thanks a lot.
Dear its wonder thank you for your support thanks again
Naveed From K.S.A
nice and Very good
This is what I have been looking for for along time now.
Thank you so much.
Hola he probado esta utilidad, es muy sencillo de usar y puedes mostrar varios trozos de una misma foto, es absolutamente ideal para motrar imágenes JPG en formularios e informes ACCESS. Gracias, voy a proponer para adquirir este producto.
¡Gracias! Quiero poner esto en testimonios, pero es sólo en Inglés.
lali chiqovani :)
dz magariaaa :*
so cool
I have an Access 2003 ADP with a SQL Server 2008 R2 backend. My SQL Server instance is configured to use filestream. The control works well displaying and storing single images, but I need to store several pictures per item. So I have a picture table that has a foreign key relationship to my items table. I need to use a separate data source for the image than the main form and I need to be able to iterate thru all of the pictures for that item using the control. Is that possible?
Yes, you can implement this using the subform for images, the same way you should do for any many-to-one data.
Write me, if you need further instructions.
in a property of the control, you see the word “custom” what can I do with that.
Nothing special. You can invoke AccessImagine documentation and activation dialog, pressing […] here.
can by this app capture photo from cam and save it in data base by direct order(bottom)
I don’t understand well your question. AccessImagine capture photos directly to database.
Excellent tool, faster, productive, multiple use
Thank you.
Storage path option problem. It says it has to bound to txt or number type field not ole when storagepath activated, but then it says field is too small
Usually it says “field is too small” when StoragePath is not specified. Please check, if you really specified it and send your failing database to for check.
It is fantastic. Thanks a lot
Tried to download AccessImagine but I am getting warning sign. I can not run or Install AccessImagine… I am running window 7 and Access2007…
You need to ignore all warn signes and give all permissions. Windows is quite paranoic now.
Hi… Does this version support x64 Office?
Yep, it supports x64 (and 1.62 too). Can you describe your error message more?
Given the auto install utility sample, (which is brilliant), are you going to provide a non version labelled deployment build so I dont have to keep updating my code as you update your build.
seem to be having an issue with the rename method using this syntax:Private Sub Picture9_LostFocus()
Pic.Rename (mypic.jpg)
End Sub pics need to be renamed as they are in use in another software. i am using access 2010 ps. awesome program
Error is: Variable not defined
Try to use Pic.Rename “mypic.jpg”
Still getting variable not defined “pic” is highlighted as the problem. the access imagine control is named Picture9 if that affects it at all?
have fixed problem using this code
Private Sub Picture9_LostFocus()
Picture9.Rename [testurl]
End Sub
also found that you cannot rename a file using multiple fields as the new name but thats no biggie
really great bit of software look forward to purchasing it on completion of this database
Greetings, Chris!
Yep, Pic is the name of AccessImagine object.
You can avoid the need to rename images by binding AccessImagine to the field that is the source of filenames (like ID field).
It says “When you run this download, few files are installed.” If I distribute a database using AccessImagine, will the other person be able to run the database or will they need to install AccessImagine as well?
AccessImagine should be installed at every PC that uses your database. Deploy pack may be used for installing it.
I am trying to use Access Imagine with Access as a front end and SQL Server as the backend through linked tables. The linked tables work and I can edit and save the fields but the Active X Access Imagine control is giving me issues. When add an image then try to go to the next record it says “Write Confilt: This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it…. ” It won’t let me save the change. When I change other fields, I doesn’t give me any of the same problems. Thanks for your help.
There was no reports of such an error before. Try changing field type. Also, are you using ADP?
I am using a linked table (ODBC Database linked to a SQL Server). I don’t think it is ADP. The field type in SQL server is varbinary(MAX). I have also tried the data type IMAGE. In the linked access table it shows up as an OLE Object.
What type should I try?
Figured it out. My table needed a timestamp.
That’s great you have found the solution!
Hi Max,
This ocx is very versatile, I have a database that I created using access imagine to trouble shoot faults on a production line, with the desc of faults and a photo attachment in continuous forms. Available to someone who would like to make use of it. Thanks Max great utility for access. :-)
Thank you for this feedback, Mickey!
I have a tablet running Windows 8. I’d really like to be able to use the internal camera to take a photograph for each record in my database. Is this possible using this software? (My IT department has to install everything on our computers so I will need to convince them that this will work.)
Was able to test it on our tablet without also installing on my laptop (crazy IT). However, is it possible to use the back camera rather than the front-facing camera to take photos?
You need to perform right mouse click at Scan button to select source.
Hi Sara,
I have developed a database for use on a tablet that includes using the front or rear facing camera or a HD external camera. The software I used to compliment the Accessimagine ocx is called “YAWCAM” and is available free, if you would like a copy of my DB please ask.
Kind regards
Please tell more about YAWCAM and how you used it!
Absolutely brilliant! This solved my problem of using an unsupported WIA device from MS Access in Windows 7. Thanks a lot!!
When I display all records in database and there is an image field in those records, they display OK but when I click Next or Previous button to view another records, the Access Imagine Control auto resize smaller and smaller.
Can you guys check it?
This is MS Access bug, remove border from AccessImagine control.
What do you mean “remove border from Access Imagine control”, you mean set border style is transparent, right? Or which way?
Can you tell me the details?
You need to set Border Type: None (or something similar).
One more thing, Max Width and Max Height of this control doesn’t accept decimal value ex. 1.678 or 0.5,… I always round input value. Can you check it?
It shouldn’t. MaxWidth and MaxHeight are in pixels.
For example, if you set MaxWidth = 300, and image is 1024 pixels widht, it will be resampled down to 300 pixels (respecting the proportions).
OK. Got it now. Thank you so much :D
Hi, Max, thank you for the new release and your fast responses to my questions. Your new version now lets me use my preferred webcam (from Logitech) to work perfectly. A great useful app!
Hello, is this support scanning document in PDF? I am interested to use this with my Document Management System.
Nope, AccessImagine doesn’t support PDFs.
OK… do you have plan to add support for PDF in future??
Nope, that is completely different topic
Can you have a property when set would allow the image to display across the full control similar in html/css background-size: cover;
I have a report where the images are now all the same aspect ratio and makes the report look unprofessional.
Kind regards
that’s not all the same aspect ratio and makes the report look unprofessional.
I am trying to install on windows xp and office 2010 . It say can not install .
That is strange. Please send a screenshot at
hi, I am using sql server as backend. How am I going to make this work on loading and saving in unbound forms?
I am also curious on this – I am trying to use Access Imagine with an Unbound field (trying to just use code to store the image in control). Do you have a code example for this?
By the way, you can bind datafield to AccessImagine at runtime via VBA.
Check documentation for VBA scripting options –
Hi just installed the software, but i get this error when i try to load my image. “Image reading error: Can’t allocate the DIB handle”
does this mean my image is too big?
I’m not sure. Can you try if it works with smaller images?
A couple of questions – is this compatible with Access 2016? Second question : I have an existing database with several thousand jpg images linked to several forms using the standard image control linked to a table with image file names. Since moving to Access 2016 I find it is not very good at recognising the correct image orientation. Images that display correctly in Explorer appear rotated when displayed via the image control. Will access imagine fix this?
i cannot install it without admin privileges.i don not have admin right.
Yep, AccessImagine can’t be installed without admin rights.
You need to contact your admin, if thats possible.
i downloaded Access Imaging and viewed the Demo. In the demo i created a report from the existing table (Pics), but the images which appear in the “Pics Form” does not appear in the report i created. i have set the control source.
That is strange, the pictures should be displayed in report too.
More likely you have done something wrong, please check.
Although the images can be viewed in the form, i’m not able to access the images from the Pics Table either. The cell containing the image in the Pics Table (pic column) says “Long binary data”.
When i double click any of the cells which should have been containing the image then it give me a message “A problem occurred while Microsoft Access was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX control.”
I’m using MS Access 2013
Yep, that is correct. MS Access is not able to display/operate that images without AccessImagine. What are you trying to do?
I’m trying to capture an image from the PC camera directly into an Access Table (via an Access Form), so that i can print out an Access Report with the images listed.
i managed to get the results i wanted, my Access Report now displays the image from the demo in a list form.
This is what i’ve done:
1) I opened my Access Report in Design View
2) I deleted all the Access Controls which was automatically inserted when i created my Report.
3) I then inserted the Active Control (AccessImaginePicture Control)
4) i switched my Access Report from Design View to Report View.
Now, all the images are being displayed in a list in my Access Report. This is exactly what i was trying to achieve.
Thanks for all your help this far, Access Imagine is an awesome ActiveX control.
Wow. This is great! Do you offer it for free? Why? LOL Do you take donations? Greetings from Brazil.
You can buy a dev license )
Does this work with Access 2016
Yep, AccessImagine works with Access 2016 flawlessly!
Hi, maybe this is an obvious one but, would you mind describing differences among deploy pack, executable and MSI installer? When is it better to use one or the other?
Sure. Usual installer is for devs, it shows EULA, creates start menu links and installs demo database.
Deploy pack doesn’t show or ask anything, and installs AccessImagine ActiveX only. MSI is for admins that need MSI for automated mass-deploy (but it doesn’t include 64-bit OCX, as MSI is unable to handle that).
Is it the full version? Not a trial. Hope you response. Tnx..
Yep, this is full version without any limitations.
But it will show some reminders in a while.
muy util gracias
Awesome things here. I am very happy to look your post.
Thank you so much and I am taking a look forward to contact you.
Will you kindly drop me a e-mail?
Very Nice Bro. GOD Bless your Master piece
Hi. I have been using version 1.72 so far. Today I see that there is a version 1.74. Is there any significant difference? Can I stick to 1.72? Thanks.
If you are happy with 1.72, stick with it.
New version include important fixes for some situations that people faced with.
Thank you very much for replying.
sql database has OLE picture
we hope to ODBC link to MSaccess,
and display in MSaccessform>?
Yep, it should work.
As usual. If you ODBC-linked to your database, just place AccessImagine object on form and bind it to picture field.
I find your product very helpful and interesting. Yet I have two questions:
1. How do I find an external file for the image? It is just a OLE in MS Access 2013. I need to have a file of the picture taken by the webcam
2. How can I have the record of the image as a picture and not as an OLE in the table? So that when I view the table and make a report, the picture I took will appear.
I hope you can answer my questions. The program have so much potential!
Could you please update the price for this tool access imagine, so we we decided to purchase this software
What you mean “update”? The price is $78.
The product works and I had no trouble getting support for a problem I had. Keep up the good work. :)
I used this product for a project quite a while back and I have version 1.64. It worked perfectly. I may now have another project where I can use it, but I see the latest version is 1.74 and I would prefer to use the latest version (if the project goes ahead). Is it necessary to pay anything to use the latest version, please?
You may use any AccessImagine version with your license.
The version 173 has been working great.
I upgraded to version 174. But now I can open a report and see
my image but when I print it the image will not show.???
Any idea??
It looks like a good app, but it won’t work on Lenova Miix win 10 tablet.
It returns a TWAIN_ReportLastError when you try to take a photo on the example or any other method.
Try to perform right mouse button click on Use Device icon and select another image source.
I cannot see storage path on the property sheet
Its on Other tab:

I use the soft all the time in my projects but I need to upgrade my computer and can not find my license key.
I hope you can help
Many Thanks
Sure! Sent your activation info to your e-mail.
This is brilliant. I am testing the control, and I wanted to use external images. I may need to update storage path when project is copies to a new folder (if ProjectPath changes, then update images path to new path). How do I access the “StoragePath” property with VBA?