Sample databases

Here is sample databases chamber. Everyone is welcome to submit samples that meet this guidelines:

  • Sample uses AccessImagine control
  • Sample is not similar to one already posted here
  • Sample is functional, includes all files required and contains instructions (if needed)
  • Sample illustrates some real task (no “Table1”, “Field1” and so on)
  • Sample tables contain some sample data (at least few records) with real or semi-real data (no “Name: aaaaa” and donkey in customer profile)
  • Sample Access version should be as low as possible – if it works for Access XP/2000/2003, make an MDB.

Contacts database

Contacts database

Contacts database.mdb (472 Kb)
Author: MaxD
MS Access version: 2000 and higher

Techniques demonstrated:
– thumbnails generation
– continuous forms with pictures
– on-demand AccessImagine installation
– instructing user how to turn active content on


  1. sample access verion should be as low as possible? Is thise because keeping up with technology is a bad thing? – sheesh

    • The aim is to make sample database accesible for as much people as possible.

      It’s not hard to press “Save as…” and select “Access 2003”. Sure, if you use some newer version specific functions, you shouldn’t do this.

  2. would this work with a mysql back end? if so what field would it be?

    • Yep, AccessImagine works perfectly with SQL backends. You can use any BLOB-style (binary data) field type.

  3. hello,
    after i downloaded the file and run in access 2003 i got this error “RegKey = myWS.RegRead(“HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AccessImagine.Picture\”)” can’t find the library.

    any solution for this? thanks.

    • It seems that this error is produced by AccessImagine autoinstall script, included into demo database.
      Does it shows up when you insert AccessImagine object into clean database?

  4. Hi Max, just what i was looking for. created a decent database for on the job fault listing with pics from your active x dll. liked it so much i bought it. Would like to know how i can share this database.

  5. Hello.
    Does the thumbnails generation works in demo version?

    • Yep, trial version is fully functional (but shows some reminders).

  6. I’m not very strong with Access and I can’t get the export feature to work.

    For AccessImagine images you should use SaveFile VBA command. Place a button on form with AccessImagine image and bind such a script to it:
    For i = 1 To N
    Pic.SaveFile (“c:\MyPics\” + Str(ID) + “.jpg”)
    DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
    Next i

    I get a compile error/ Syntax Error

    • You should replace N with your actual number of records.

  7. Incredibly awesome, do you guys realize you are life savers.
    I was working on an access archiving database where the image control can not display linked images, thanks to your ActiveX Control, I am now able to do it.

  8. Hello,

    I’m just wondering if AccessImagine will read images out of a zip file? I’m creating a database for my images of buildings. I have over 10,000 zip files with photos, eg: g:\Buildings\Churches\, and want to read the images out of the zips.

    • Nope, AccessImagine is not able to read images from zip file.

  9. I have a registered Accessimagine. It is working properly with my laptop.however, when I use it with windows tablet I can’t capture from its cameras (both front and back) despite the camera frame gets opened and pick a shoot. Could you help me to resolve this problem with my windows tablet

    • Have you tried Windows 10 Camera App source?


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