Developer License – AccessImagine

Developer License

Once you have registered version of AccessImagine, all users that work with your databases will experience registered version too – without any advertizing and reminders. They will not see even the name of component actually.

Please provide your real e-mail during payment process. You’ll receive your activation code on your e-mail shortly.

Contact once you have any questions or problems with payment processing.

Read more Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for AccessImagine Control.


  1. My picture is mirrored the other way. How can i correct this.

    • Pls ignore. My camera setting.

  2. Is there a way to use VBA to set the Storage Path

    • StoragePath can be set with VBA, but you need to write it before AccessImagine starts to load image into control. I’m not sure if that is possible for regular form display scenario.

      • Like others, I had troubles with the StoragePath via the Property Sheet. The only thing that worked was a hardcoded path for me. And, that wasn’t good enough. UNC did not work either. Got I/O error 53 and other error messages.

        Here is what worked for me in VBA. Plus, when I work on the desktop or the laptop or from a USB drive, they all find the images. The “form” below is the one with the AccessImage control on it.

        Private Sub Form_Load()
        msg = CurrentProject.Path & “\photos”
        Form1.AccessImage0.StoragePath = msg
        End Sub

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  4. Can this be used with connecting to Bluetooth camera or iPhone?

    • I don’t think its possible – until you are not able to use that camera with Skype.

  5. Dear Max D.

    We are running MS Acess 2007 on Windows 7 and Windows 10 systems.
    1. How to see the path where AccessImagine stores the webcam images?
    2. How to copy the stored AccessImages images to another folder?

    Thank you. Jai Gurudev

  6. In your Getting Stated (video) in form design you inserted an ActiveX control.
    However in our MS Access 2007 we cannot see “ActiveX control” in form design.

    Jai Gurudev

  7. can we show the camera picture inside the access form before taking the picture?

    • No. Camera picture is displayed in separate popup window.

  8. I am about to purchase the code. I will add a few columns in the form and table to capture details like ID and address etc. Lets say I want to be able to retrieve the image for a given ID using a query. Can you please tell me if that is possible and how.
    I understand that currently the form will just capture the image and whatever other details I add to the form, but if I want to store the image for a give n record what do I do, is it possible and how?

    • You can retrieve image fields the same way you do with regular ones.
      If you describe more detailed, what are you trying to do, I can help you better.

  9. An administrative, non-technical question if I may. I have a paid, registered Accessimagine licence and it is all working fine. The only problem is that my license is linked to an old email address, one I don’t use anymore and that simply doesn’t exist anymore. How can I update the information you have so that my license be linked to my new email address? Thanks. (Old address is New one is

    • There is no way to reregister AccessImagine.
      But you will not get any downsides about your e-mail not working anymore.

      • Ok, well noted. Thanks.

  10. How can you perform a copy of the image from the access imagine control to another outside app like word for example ?

  11. Hello. I have been looking everywhere for info on how to change the storage path dynamically. The form name is PicsForm, the AccessImagine control is Picture0, all defaults. I have tried everything I can think of to change the storagepath when the form loads and I cannot make this work? Help?

    PicsForm.Picture0.StoragePath = mypathstring (No Good)

    • Picture0.StoragePath = mypathstring

      The trick is to set it BEFORE picture is loaded.

  12. Hi im Planning to buy the license. i created 5 access database in 5 different computer. can i used all the license for all the access database in difference computer.

    • Yep, you can use it at different computers.
      Beside that there is no need to activate anything at client’s computers, you need to enter license at development computer only.

  13. Has anybody been able to use the payment page recently?
    My payment is giving an error of “Invalid Request”

    • You can pay by PayPal directly to

  14. I have created an application and need to be able to place a document under the camera, and click a button on the Access Form to bring the image into the form. Is this what your software will facilitate?


    • Yep, AccessImagine will be good for this. But take a note, that is doesn’t have any document-specific functions, like automatic paper detection or OCR.

  15. Does the AccessImagine control store the images actually inside the access database file, eg inside MydataBase.accdb – as part of the database file?

    – or does it only link to files stored externally as independent files on the Windows file system, in some folder?

    In other words if I move the Access database -with the AccessImagine control on a form in that database – to a different machine, will I still be able to see the graphic files I loaded into the AccessImagine control on the original machine (from a local folder on that original machine)? Thanks

    • AccessImagine supports both scenarios. By default images are stored inside database.

  16. I want to know more than one developer license, also I would like to know if at the time of recording the file using the storagepath I can assign a specific name to the file, I would like to know if they have tested it with a Windows tablet camera, not only for images but for documents, I await your response.

  17. Tried to purchase EasyPictureControl, but my credit card failed to be authorized twice. But it’s fine, it is a Visa, expires 05/21 and has plenty of credit on it. What do I do now?

  18. hi, it can be support more that 1 cámara conected to the computer like IPcamaras from a pool o cameras?

  19. voçês parcelam o pagamento no cartao em até quantas vezes ?

    • There is no split payments. The license purchase is one-time payment.

      Não há pagamentos parcelados. A compra da licença é um pagamento único.

  20. I am struggling with a project using the tool. Its taking upwards of 10 seconds for the image to save to a network location. I have put in interrupts to make sure it wasn’t in the filename or location determination. There is about a 10 second delay at AccImg InstantScan (1), and than it takes about 1-2 seconds to do the AccImg.SaveFile.

    • Maybe file is too big? Try to make it smaller by specifying MaxWidth and/or MaxHeight

  21. Hello. Can you have the possibility to know the reading component of the images and position them properly according to the orientation during the exposure on cell phones? Grateful

    • Unfortunately, that is not possible with AccessImagine.

  22. AccessImage backgound color isn’t match the value like HEX code. Any update for the issue?

  23. Hello!
    I’m having trouble with your tool when I try to use it in a continuous form. It gives me an error that tells me that I can’t use it how I want because the tool only works in simple forms.
    Is there any way to make it functional in continuous forms?

      • Sorry, but the link doesn’t work.

          • Hello!
            I’ve tried to use the example file that you’ve sent and I noticed that it’s not possible to do it without editing or adding again a new image.
            So, how can I do to generate previews for every image of the database without editing or adding a new image?

  24. Hello!
    I’ve tried to use the example file that you’ve sent and I noticed that it’s not possible to do it without editing or adding again a new image.
    So, how can I do to generate previews for every image of the database without editing or adding a new image?

    • Place a button on form with AccessImagine image and bind such a script to it (replace N with actual number of records):

      For i = 1 To N
      DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
      Next i

      • Hello!
        I’ve tried to use that method and I didn’t reach my objective. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong but I’ve tried to use this code as explained.
        Is there any other way for me to understand it better? Like a pdf file with images, examples or something?

        • Nope, I do not have any PDFs.
          You need to open that form on first record and press the button with attached script. Script will iterate over all records doing


          for each record. Of course, you need to make sure that this line is correct (“Preview” is your preview field name and “Picture0” is your AccessImagine object name bound to image field).

  25. I have used this for several years with and access file with no problem on my desktop. I recently tried to use a copy on a laptop, it won’t show the picture and says “There is no object in this control.”

    • Have you installed AccessImagine on laptop? Does the sample database work ok?

      • I just did, thanks. Now a blank camera image appears, as it cannot find the file that holds the pictures. Do I need to manually link it?

        • Oh, and sample db works okay, forgot to mention

          • I figured it out – had to go into properties and update the file path. Thanks for your help! Love your product! I am not a developer, but can manage to use this and it has helped me a lot.

  26. I figured it out – had to go into properties and update the file path. Thanks for your help! Love your product! I am not a developer, but can manage to use this and it has helped me a lot.

    • That’s great, congratulations!

  27. Once have created the db, does this need to be installed on clients computer or does it all package inside the accdb file

    If it needs to be installed, is it possible to do without admin permissions?

    • It needs to be installed on every client computer and requires admin permissions.

  28. new computer. My access database is asking for registration number? Program was working fine on the old pc

    • More likely you’ve had AccessImagine activation on old PC. Just activate AccessImagine again.
      If you have lost your activation data, write to

  29. I paid for a license a year or two ago, don’t quite remember when. I am now getting pop-ups to pay a license fee. I thought it was a one-time fee? or not?

    • Yep, it is one-time fee. Maybe your activation info was lost for some reason. Just reactivate AccessImagine with your activation info.

      If you do not have it, write to and it will be sent to you.

  30. Hi. Max. D

    I want to call the Windows Camera app. using a separate button in a form, not in ActiveX control. Is there a way?

    • Sure, use VBA:

  31. Is it possible to center the picture inside the imagine control?

    • Nope, it is aligned to the top left and fitted in the control proportionally.
      If you match the AccessImagine object background to the form background that shouldn’t be the problem.

  32. Hi, I am using the AccessImagine to display a QR code on a report and this has worked perfectly for over 2 years. Suddenly without any changes, the image only displays the ‘camera’ image and not the QR code. Has anything changed that would cause this because as I say the code that has been working for a long time has not changed?

    • Further to the above, I also receive the following error message when saving the report:

      There was an error loading an ActiveX control on one of your forms or reports. Make sure all the controls that you are using are properly registered.

      But when I check the ActiveX control is registered with AccessImagine with my email address.

      Please help.

      • It means ActiveX registration in system registry, not license registration.
        Try to reinstall AccessImagine.

    • AccessImagine does not use internet connection and does not rely on any external resources.
      All changes in AccessImagine work are the result of some changes in your system.

  33. How do you pick the back camera on a Windows Surface. It is defaulting to Front camera

    • Perform right mouse button click on Use Device icon and select another picture capture way.


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