
Fast and friendly support

Feel free to write if you have any questions or just need some advice. People say our support is fast and friendly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to extract old OLE pictures from database?

OLEtoDisk is the most functional tool for this task.

Does it supports PDFs and multi-page documents?

AccessImagine is designed to work with single image. It doesn’t support any multi-page formats, including PDF.

How to display images at reports?

The same way you do at forms: place AccessImagine object and bind it to picture field.

How to clear AccessImagine image from VBA?

AccessImaginePic.Image = null

How to export all AccessImagine images from database?

For AccessImagine images you should use SaveFile VBA command. Place a button on form with AccessImagine image and bind such a script to it:

For i = 1 To N
Pic.SaveFile (“c:\MyPics\” + Str(ID) + “.jpg”)
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Next i

How to upgrade/downgrade AccessImagine when installer doesn’t allow

If you are unable to upgrade or downgrade AccessImagine because if was installed before, execute this REG file –


  1. Is there any way to centre the image in the control on a report?

    • AccessImigine doesn’t have centering option at this time.

      You can manipulate AccessImagine with VBA script to place it in desired position.

  2. How do you centre images in the control on a report?

    • It’s impossible without some tricky scripting. I will tell if you really want to go backway!

  3. Is there a way I can make the control bigger, like 2.5″ x 3″?? I am trying but it seems to go back to original size (1.5″ x 2.12″). Let me know, thanks! :)

    • Oh, thats really strange! Maybe you have inserted it into Access form composition cell? Send DB with your form to

      • Ok but it will take me a bit to remake it. It is connected to a SQL database at the moment :)

        • You dont need to. I think that looking at your form in design mode will be enough for me.

          • Alrighty, sending it! Thank you

  4. Hi,

    Is it possible for it to prompt to name the file when copying and pasting an image?
    It currently names each pasted image as clipboard1 and just increments the number, so I end up having a lot of pictures named clipboard1….2 and so on.


    • You can bind AccessImagine to some ID field – and it will use it for filenames.

      Or you can rename files with Pic.rename VBA command. But I’m not sure that users love to enter image names.

      • Sorry, new at this.
        I have a field name “Style#” that I’d like to use for filenames.
        Fields: Style#,pic1,pic2,pic3
        How do I bind the picts1-3 to follow the Style# as a file name?

        • You can remove pic1-pic3 fields.

          Bind all 3 AccessImagine objects to Style# field, but specify different StoragePath for each one (because the filenames will be the same for all 3).

  5. Hi Max:

    I’m using the ShowFullPicture option with the onClick method. Is there a method available to display the file name (or other string) as the Caption of the pop-up form?

    I’m populating my AI controls automagically using VBA. All of the controls are sized in landscape mode, but some of the photos are in portrait mode. Have you implemented an Alignment method so I can center those portrait photos within the control? If not, can you share the VBA code to center these manually?


    • Greetings!

      I’m sorry to say that there is no way to change FullPicture caption or center picture.

      If you need this really hard, picture can be centered with VBA control resizing and moving – but I don’t consider this a good solution.

  6. Hi again Max:

    I am unable to trap the Changed event in 32-bit Access 2010 on Win7. Is it working?

    How can I capture the new source name when I select an image file from the file dialog control?


    • OnChanged event doesn’t work – Access do not let it happen.

      Use OnExit event. Why do you need to capture the source name?

  7. I’ve registered your control and delivered an Access dB using version 1.50 – your product is fantastic.

    Are there any bug fixes or enhancements in version 1.60 besides the webcam support?

    • Thank you!

      Nope, 1.60 release is totally about WebCams.

  8. I want to buy the developers license, I’m not able to pay via American express neither via Mastercard. Both cards are not excepted. How can I buy the developer license?

  9. Missing a simple detail I suspect, perhaps I need to purchase the software before it functions normally? I created a table with fields ContactID; Picture (OLE Object); Image_Name; Comments. I next built a form as described in your directions. I can change the image, but the picture ‘long binary’ is not stored in the Picture field in the underlying table. Can you tell me why this might be? Why the software is not storing the OLE Object long binary id number in the table? Thank you … and apologies for the likely stupid question!

    • I wanted to completely test the software before I purchased (for a client) … ultimately i need to relate one contact with a bird to one or more images through a one-to-many relationship. The contact form is a subform of a bird form; and the image form is a subform of the contact form.

    • AccessImagine doesn’t have any limitations, so you can test everything back and forth.

      Have you bound AccessImagine object to Picture field?

  10. Also, I purchased today and received no code? Tried the receipt number but this didnt work … will a code show up soon so I can register my purchase? Thank you.

    • There is some delay (up to 24h) at orders processing. Your code is already sent.

      • Much appreciated Max … just distributed the software to my client … works great.

  11. 1) Your documentation says I can enter *.* for storage location. This results in error “Invalid Storage Path: I/O error 123”.
    2) When I install DB on another computer, I still get “unregistered” message. I’ll be looking at your sample DB “contacts” today. Any tips?

    • There is no such instructions at documentation. You need to enter valid path (like c:\Pics) at StoragePath.

      Do you have activated your AccessImagine? Take a note, that AccessImagine objects need to be updated after that. Every form with it should be opened in design mode and resaved.

      • here’s your documentation:

        In order not to keep images in database you need to specify a location for them. Bind component to database field which holds image file names in this case. Examples of valid locations’ paths:

        “\\Avenger\Incoming\Pics” – local network path (for centralized storage, etc.)
        “Pics” – a subfolder in the folder, where your database file is stored
        “.” – keep images in the same folder with the database file

        Yes, I’ve activated my purchase. And on the development DB, the “unregistered” message does not appear. When I install it (the DB) on another computer using Sagekey or the Access packaging wizard, the “unregistered” message does appear.

        Don’t misunderstand me, your program is fantastic and I would heartily recommend it. You’ve been a great help.

        • That position means “.” – dot. Single dot. Just keep in mind, that Access may set different current folder depending of the way database is opened.

          As I’ve said before, forms with AccessImagine need to be resaved (activation info is saved along with object data).

          • Oh, thank you. I misunderstood the quotes. Thanks so much.
            Yes, the form has been resaved after activation (several times). I’m going try another install after entering just a . for the location.
            It certainly is a pleasure receiving quick replies to my questions.
            If anyone is on the fence about this product, don’t worry or hesitate. Great product, help, and company. Just wish all companies had this top notch support.

  12. Problems set by vba StoragePath

    Private Sub Form_Open (Cancel As Integer)

    Picture0.StoragePath = cnstPath

    end Sub
    (‘the constant value cnspath = c: \ photos)

    When defining the StoragePath by vba the system accuses a runtime error (-2147418113 (8000ffff)
    can not open file “c: \ empty.jpg.” The system can not find the file specified
    Option END or debug clicking finalize END closes the form,

    Defining the StoragePath control property it works normal, but must set via vba
    help me please

    PS sorry for the bad english I am Brazilian and I’m with the help of google translator kkkk

    • Greetings!

      It’s a bug that will be fixed in next update.

      Meanwhile you can supress this error message. Also you need to reload data after setting StoragePath.

      Here is brief sample:

      On Error Resume Next
      pic.StoragePath = “e:\”

  13. Our organization purchased AccessImagine roughly a month ago and have been very happy with the results.
    We are now looking to expand our use of the tool into some of our reports and are wondering if there is a way to make the background transparent, or possibly hide the tool when it is empty.
    Thank you

    • AccessImagine can’t be set transparent. But you can set it’s Backround property to FFFFFF (White). This will do the trick.

  14. I have a simple data entry form with the AI control linked to an OLE Object field. When I show a border around the control and resize the form, the control shrinks or sometimes grows. When I remove the border, the behavior stops.

    • Yep, this is MS Access bug. Don’t set the border for AccessImagine control.

      TIP: You can put an rectangle under the AccessImagine control to achieve the border effect.

  15. I’m having a problem with pasting from a webpage. I only have an ‘open’ button and a ‘webcam’ button. There is no paste button. Any ideas?

    • Press right mouse button at image at web-page and select Copy image to clipboard (not image URL).

  16. Hi,i want my picture to be external not in database.How to change the preview control sorce to read from external location, and the quality of the pictures?

  17. Hi Max,

    We’ve come across a problem with some users using your new version. I am developing in Access 2003 with a licensed copy of AccesImagine 1.40 and deploying the .mdb with your code embedded to check for installation and allowing the user to download before use.

    When a new user in Access 2010 downloads, they now get version 1.63. When the program uses the new version of the control, if flashes continually and locks up the application sucking up lots of memory.

    What can I do to solve this? Do I need to mover to 1.63 before deployment to new users? If so, what will happen with existing users?

    thanks Max,


    • Max,

      I need the control locked and disabled, but I discovered that if I leave the control Enabled and not Locked, the problem goes away.

      • Me again… if I set just enabled=false then it flashes, if I set just locked = true then the flashing stops (but it displays the browse and other icons as if it’s editable when a user hovers over it). They can’t change the data, but no longer a show-stopper

  18. Me again… if I set just enabled=false then it flashes, if I set just locked = true then the flashing stops (but it displays the browse and other icons as if it’s editable when a user hovers over it). They can’t change the data, but no longer a show-stopper

    • Greetings!
      Do not change enabled property. Just set HideButtons to true.

  19. Max,

    We have a continuous list of images as thumbnails with associated descriptions. Double clicking the thumbnail opens a detail form where my users use the AccessImagine control to browse and add / edit / delete images. When they return, their new image is in the continuous list.

    When a user tries to return to an image detail, they are getting inconsistent error “Error #3188: Could not update; currently locked by another session on this machine.” when they try to crop images. Sometimes it lets them save, usually not. Editing description text is not a problem so I don’t believe the record is actually locked. All forms are set to Dynaset & No Locks.

    Closing out of the forms and coming back in does not alleviate the problem. Do you know of locking problems when using the crop tool???

    thanks, Max,

    • BTW, the croping / locking problem never occurs when loading a new image. Only when opening the detail to re-edit the image.

      • I’m not so good at this topic.
        Maybe you need to free the data when closing detailed form?

      • another observation: if I edit the description field first, and then crop, it always saves without problem.

        • I have to recant my last observation. The text edit does not always work.

          • Is it possible to send sample database to me?

          • Hi Max,

            Actually, this is for a client and it is a toolkit that gives them a strategic advantage over their competitors. I cannot send it to you.

            For now, we’ll have to live with the problem. It only happens if the user returns to the detail and tries to crop the image.

            If I can model a similar schema and reproduce the problem, I will send.

            thanks for the quick reply.



  20. Hi Max, I am trying to make the control visible when I have images and invisible when they are available.
    I have 8 Controls on a page and the ability to move through multiple pages.
    If I hide a control it works fine although when I unhide it I get an Error Can’t allocate the DIB handle.
    I have tried the isvisible to test before setting Pic1.visible=true.
    Any help would be much appreciated
    Also are you able to save a thumbnail from the control?

    • Hi Max,
      This is come example code
      This is a subform
      Dim PicBoxs As Collection
      Set PicBoxs = New Collection

      PicBoxs.ADD Pic1 ‘ This is your image control
      PicBoxs.ADD Pic2 ‘ This is your image control
      PicBoxs.ADD Pic3 ‘ This is your image control
      PicBoxs.ADD Pic4 ‘ This is your image control
      PicBoxs.ADD Pic5 ‘ This is your image control
      PicBoxs.ADD Pic6 ‘ This is your image control
      PicBoxs.ADD Pic7 ‘ This is your image control
      PicBoxs.ADD Pic8 ‘ This is your image control

      For Each box In PicBoxs
      i = i + 1
      If 8 * pageNumber + i > picCount The
      If i <= 8 Then
      If PicBoxs(i).IsVisible = True Then PicBoxs(i).Visible = False
      PicBoxs(i).Image = Null
      PicBoxs(i).HideButtons = True
      LabelBoxs(i).Visible = False
      End If
      If PicBoxs(i).isVisible = False Then PicBoxs(i).Visible = True 'This line is causing the error
      PicBoxs(i).HideButtons = True
      PicBoxs(i).LoadFile (PathPic & Pictures(8 * pageNumber + i))
      End if
      Next box

      • Try to make them all visible and remove the hiding logic. Most likely this error message is not visibility related.

      • Hi Max,
        With just the Visible logic, it still fails. If I turn off the pic1.visible=true there is no error. if I test with ‘if pic1.visible=true’ I get an error, so I use IsVisible to get around this. but ‘if not pic1.isvisible then pic1.visible=true’ gives me the error.
        When I don’t have an image to show, I don’t want placeholders for them for aesthetics. The visible allows me to hide them successfully but I am unable to unhide them.
        When I move to the next page, no image or a blank image does not look very professional, and I don’t want to have to reload the sub form as it slows down the application.
        Thank in advance

        • AccessImagine behaved correct on Pic.visible=true at my tests. If you want me to investigate your case, send me demo database with that error.

          By the way, you can make your form white, make AccessImagine background white and set EmptyImage to None.

          AccessImagine will be not seen without image this way.

  21. Is there a way to trap or handle broken URL link errors when a report loads? I’m using AccessImagine to locate and display images stored on an external web server for various products and displaying those on an Access report. Unfortunately when the product’s image URL is a broken link (i.e. the pic doesn’t exist) I get an Access error 403 saying forbidden access because the image is missing. Is there a way to trap these errors and handle them at the time of formatting or report generation? Or is there a better way to do this?
    Thanks for your help. – CB

    • Can you give the example of such a link that produces error message?

        • Strange thing. AccessImagine doesn’t show any error messages at my setup. Make sure you are using the latest one (1.64).

          Can you send DB with this error to me?

          • Sure. How do you want me to send it?

          • It’s on the way.

            Thanks for your help.

  22. I am not sure how I can use this for subfolders. I can’t seem to bind to an id number. I have 23,000 pictures on my C:\PICS. But there are about 48 subfolders in that folder and each subfolder carries anywhere from 2 – 300 pictures or more. Each picture has an id number. How can I use this program to link with the id. For example:

    Card number 177654 is in C:\PICS\Alba\ How do I link it with my data on the form.
    My form links everything properly but the pictures. I cannot take the pics out of their subfolders because they are named by sets and moving them would make them basically useless. Hope this makes since.

    • You can load pictures manually with VBA command or produce some field with query that will hold the full picture path.

      Anyway, you database should “know” the exact subfolder for every picture.

      • Does anyone have an example of how to do that? I was hoping this program would be able to do it with just a click of the button. Thank you.

        • It can’t be done with click of the button if you have pictures hidden in subfolders.

          Do you know which picture in which subfolder resides? Does you database has that info?

  23. Hi,

    I’m just testing Access Imagine Version 164 with Access 2010 and Vista.

    On my Access form the Full Name textfield is bound to table Full Name textfield and the Access ImaginePicture Control to Full Name and the StoragePath is set to an
    existing folder inside the Database folder.

    Having 3 picture files (x1.jpg, x2.jpg, x3.jpg) on a web page.

    When I drag the x1.jpg file from the Web page to the Access ImaginePicture Control
    on the Access form, in the Full Name textfield appears x1.jpg , in the control the
    picture of x1 and in the StoragePath Folder the x1.jpg file was inserted. Everything ok.

    when I drag now the x2.jpg file from the Web page to the Access ImaginePicture Control in the Full Name textfield still appears x1.jpg, in the control the picture of the x2 file and in the StoragePath folder the x1.jpg file was overwritten with x2 content and no x2.jpg file was inserted. That’s crazy.

    when I drag now the x3.jpg file from the Web page to the Access ImaginePicture Control in the Full Name textfield still appears X1.jpg, in the control the picture of the x3 file and in the StoragePath folder the x1.jpg file was overwritten with x3 content and no x3.jpg file was inserted.

    It looks like the Full Name textfield cannot be changed by dragging a new file (x2.jpg or x3.jpg) to the control

    I have made a simple example to understand the problem. May be there’s also a simple solution.

    Can you help me please ?

    Thank you very much.


    • AccessImagine preserves image filename if it’s already filled. That gives an ability to bind it to prefilled fields (like person name or record id).

  24. Hi, I’ve just buy AccessImagine and it works fine, but when I copy the msaccess database (2010) to another computer the control AccessImagina appears in white and doesn’t works.

    How I have to copy, export, or try in another pc. ?

    Thanks in advance (and excuse me for my bad English.)


    • You need to install AccessImagine on another PC to use your database.

  25. Hi,

    It’s possible to make an silent installation of accessimagine ? I use Install Creator Pro to install my Access Database but I need to install besides AccessImagine. It would be possible from command line ?



      • Do you still not have a silent installer. If not, then can you tell me what you mean by install the ocx? Any documentation?

  26. Is there a way to go back into a picture you have saved and see on a form copy and paste to Outlook for example. User has a bunch of pictures in database and would like to go back into the form and copy and paste the saved picture someplace else.

    • There is VBA command to copy image to clipboard – Pic.Copy

  27. Max,

    Our users save pictures for estimates in a folder associated with the estimate they are developing. They then want to attach a picture to an item on the estimate. Is there a way to set the initial browse folder for the picture control to the associated folder when the containing form is opened.

    More simply, can I set the default browse location for the picture control?



    • There is no way to set the browsing folder.
      We will add this function in next release.

  28. I have a database in Access that I have been using Access Imagine with and love it. I was so happy when I found your site!! Now I need to share the database with someone that does not have Access and we are going to try Base by Open Office. Is there a way to view the Access Imagine images in Open Office Base?

      • Good to know and thank you for the info on Access Runtime. I did not know it existed and am checking it out now!!

        THANK YOU!

  29. I just purchased the software, but have not received the activation code

    • Greetings Keith!
      Activation info was sent to you yesterday. Please check your spam folder. If its not there, please post here some additional methods to contact you.

      • I’ve checked everything and didn’t get it

        • Thats weird! So the only way to contact you is this comments.

          To activate use your mail address and this code – AGBWW

  30. Is there any way to have the plugin prompt to rename an image when it is dragged and dropped?

    • Nope, there is no such a function or event. Maybe you just need to apply some naming to all images?

  31. I have question :
    1. If i can have option to rotate picture after i did scan to DB
    2. Can i use on one Form two Acces Imagine forms , one for WebCam and second one for Scanner.
    for now i need every time change by press device an change to TWAN driver

  32. Hello,
    We have a web based MySQL database that stores records with images produced by an app designed for an Apple iPad. The image field in the MySQL tables is a longblob. I have an interface in Ms Access 2007 with a report to display the records. I have installed AccessImagine and added the activeX control to the report, bound the object to the image field. When I run the report I get the error “JPEG error #53” and no images are displayed. The information on other fields related to the image do get displayed. Any ideas?

  33. Can I snap pictures by clicking on the command button?
    Is there a function to run this command?

  34. Been a customer since 2010, love the product and the constant improvements. Is it possible to pull the IPTC information (keywords, for example) from a displayed JPG?

    Thanks for your help, and for the product!

    • AccessImagine doesn’t support IPTC information.

      • No problem, just thinking about something for the db I’m working on for my trains. Thanks for the instructions on how to use this on a report, that REALLY helped me out (and works like a charm!)

  35. Max,

    Is the 164deploy.exe a self-contained installer that I can give my users?

    Also, my app using your control has been in development for almost 2 years now. Is there a way to upgrade the control being used without replacing it in every form and report?

    If I do upgrade, what will happen to my users who have already installed a previous version?



    • Yep, deploy package is silent installer that you can give to your users.

      Its completely safe to upgrade (but test your database with new AccessImagine before spreading the update).

      There is no need to do anything special, like replacing controls. Upgrade install will make the AccessImagine all new.

      • Thanks, Max,

        I’ll take it out for a test drive


  36. Hi, when I try to install it, I get this error message:
    “There is a problem with this windows installer package. A DLL required
    for this install to complete could not be run.”

    Any suggestion?

    Thank you in advance!

    • Solved! I had to install it as an administrator.

      • Great to hear that!

  37. thanks for a great control.
    navigating from record to records makes the image in the control smaller and smaller. is there a way to prevent this?

    • Remove border from contol – that is Access bug

      • got it! thanks much.

  38. Did program with 2,635 images found in 61 folders. I moved the Access program and images to another workstation and the images will not appear. What do I need to do to save the 200 hours of work on this project to allow to work on another standalone computer.

    • If you have used AccessImagine external storage, more likely you need to change StoragePath property of AccessImagine objects.

  39. Hello, I’m designing an application an plan to distribute it.

    So I will buy the licence but I need to know how to retrieve the storage path when selecting an image with the browser. Coulp you please help? I can’t see an event to trap this

    Thank you

    • I recommend you to use AccessImagine built-in external image storage concept.
      Specify StoragePath design-time property and bind AccessImagine control to text or ID field.

      AccessImagine will automatically copy selected files into StoragePath folder and handle everything required.

      This is much better scheme for users – they don’t need to save files at some special folder, and they can use clipboard, drag-n-drop, camera, crop image and so on.

  40. Hi not sure how to bind AccessImagine control to ID field in Access 97 . in other versions of access can set the control source in the data tab . can’t do this in 97 so assume have to do a late binding in the event tab but not sure how to do this any help would be greatly appreciated, great program

  41. Thank you for a great program. I have downloaded the program and incorporated into my database and it works fine on my laptop. However, I’ve installed on a Surface tablet and see the lighthouse. But, I am getting a compression error message when I go to take a picture. Any suggestions?

  42. I’ve looked through tutorials and FAQ’s. I have a few simple questions I think could be resolved in less than an hour and would make this app be the perfect solution for my task. Is there an option to purchase some support/technical help?

    • Its enough to purchase the license to get nice amounts of support )

  43. We are using Access Imagine trial version with Ms-Access 2007.

    We have designed a report in Ms-Access 2007 and added Access Imagine
    for showing images from the table.

    We are facing issue with trial version of Access Imagine, If there are no
    pictures the Access Imagine control throws error message “Stream read
    error” and our report doesn’t get open.

    We need following cases to happen with Access Imagine,
    Case 1) If there are no pictures, show just the border with the text “No Data
    Case 2) How to fit or stretch the image within the Access Imagine control
    to fill this control completely with image.

    Please guide us how to perform above cases with Access Imagine control in MS-Access 2007.

  44. Hello, I have this users’ same issue:

    “Chris W on April 12, 2013 at 8:15 pm

    Hi Max,

    We’ve come across a problem with some users using your new version. I am developing in Access 2003 with a licensed copy of AccesImagine 1.40 and deploying the .mdb with your code embedded to check for installation and allowing the user to download before use.

    When a new user in Access 2010 downloads, they now get version 1.63. When the program uses the new version of the control, if flashes continually and locks up the application sucking up lots of memory.

    What can I do to solve this? Do I need to mover to 1.63 before deployment to new users? If so, what will happen with existing users?

    thanks Max,


    but mine shows up only tablet pcs such as the surface pro. The controls continually reload using up a lot of bandwidth. on a laptop this does not occur. tried what you suggested to Chris W, but the reloads do not stop

    • using access 2007 and windows 8.1 on surface pro and 7 on laptop

    • I do not recommend using that autoinstall code – its very old and buggy. Just to notice, it doesn’t work with x64 Office.

      Just ship AccessImagine deploy exe along with your database.

  45. Hi Max, I would like to use the Copy & Paste functions but as a newbie I am struggling with how to use the control in VBA scripting. I have named my control on a form as ‘imagine_Image’ and trying to use it in a subroutine called form a button ‘On Click’ event but I don’t get any of your scripting options in the list box that appears. In some replies to others you say to use ‘’, but I don’t understand where you get this from? Can you give an example on a simple script using the control?

    • Hi Max, no need for reply – 10 minutes after sending the message I worked it out!! Thanks anyhow.

  46. Dear Max,

    We ‘ve purchased 1.71 on 1/16/16 and we are deploying with our Access 2003 .mde application. We are using the Indigo Rose Setup Factory 9.1 installer which installs the registered 32-bit AccessImagine.ocx (version 1.73) placing the .ocx in the window’s system folder. This runs on most PCs but when we deploy on some Windows 7 64-bit PCs, forms containing the AccessImagine control don’t open at all, access is stuck and MS Access practically crashes sucking up the computer’s memory.

    However when we install your demo setup on these machines the control works properly (although unregistered). How can we resolve this issue because we upgraded some of our customers and our application has become dysfunctional.

    Does it have anything to do that 1) we are using ADO 2.8 instead of ADO 2.1, 2) that the AccessImagine.ocx (32-bit) is registered in the windows\sysWOW64 folder or 3) that we are using an installer instead of demo setup?

    Thanks a lot

    • The plot is that 64-bit Office requires 64-bit OCX – AccessImagine64.ocx.

      So you need to register both OCX – 32-bit and 64-bit.

      • There is no 64-bit office involved. Only 64-bit Windows. We could run the AccessImagineDeploy173.exe but we want to deploy the registered (no nag screen) ActiveImagine with our application

        • If we install the AccessImagine173Deploy.exe on a computer do we get the nag message: Or do we have to deploy the .ocx we registered using the code upon purchase?

  47. we have purchased and use accessimagine 1.73. I have the following questions
    1)AccessImagine works on computers that have no camera or any imaging device installed?
    2)How AccessImagine is unistalled? When we install accessimagine 64 bit there is no entry in the programs and features so we can unistall later!!. What we do is that we just unregistered the registered ocx’s. Is that enough?

    • 1) Yep, AccessImagine works good at PCs without any imaging devices.

      2) Its enough to install or uninstall OCX, installer doesn’t do any other manipulations except creating shortcuts and so on.

  48. Yep, that is strange. Try to delete AccessImagine object on form and check if it opens.

  49. When i take a picture, it does not fill control, only top half holds picture. It is also very small. How do i ms,e the image bigger so that i can work with it better? I tried increasing dize of box, but picture still only uses top half

    • I suppose its the matter of proportion. Try to set design-time property Crop to Auto.

  50. I am have a problem with reading png format OLE object in access db, I can open with another super old control. But I would rather not have to run a conversion of all the images in place. any ideas?

    • Yep, AccessImagine is not able to read some old OLE pictures.
      I recommend you to use this tool to save images to disk –
      After that you will be able to reimport it with AccessImagine.


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