
Fast and friendly support

Feel free to write if you have any questions or just need some advice. People say our support is fast and friendly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to extract old OLE pictures from database?

OLEtoDisk is the most functional tool for this task.

Does it supports PDFs and multi-page documents?

AccessImagine is designed to work with single image. It doesn’t support any multi-page formats, including PDF.

How to display images at reports?

The same way you do at forms: place AccessImagine object and bind it to picture field.

How to clear AccessImagine image from VBA?

AccessImaginePic.Image = null

How to export all AccessImagine images from database?

For AccessImagine images you should use SaveFile VBA command. Place a button on form with AccessImagine image and bind such a script to it:

For i = 1 To N
Pic.SaveFile (“c:\MyPics\” + Str(ID) + “.jpg”)
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Next i

How to upgrade/downgrade AccessImagine when installer doesn’t allow

If you are unable to upgrade or downgrade AccessImagine because if was installed before, execute this REG file –


  1. Hi Max, is it possible to trigger the camera capture by a command button instead of close clicking on the picture holder? The App I am writing is supposed to be a self help kiosk app that instructions must be really idiot proofed. Thanks

  2. Is there a way to save a scan using a field’s text entry? Right now it saves as Scan??.Jpg. And I need to save the filename as the text in a field

    • Yep, you can prefill text field with desired name, and AccessImagine will use it.

  3. Hello! Greetings from Italy

    I’m trying to figured out to make AccessImagine working on my Access Database on a Windows 10 2 in 1 tablet (Lenovo ideapad MIIX 310), but i have some difficulties.
    I am able to add the creativeX control and view it on my form, but when I click or tap on the webcam icon, i received an error

    TWAIN Error
    TWAIN_ReportLastError: an error occurred

    How can i resolve it?

    Thank you so much


    • That is quite strange. Perform right mouse button click at “Use Device” icon and try to select another image source.

      • It works!
        Thanks a lot Max D! :) Tomorrow i Will try the system on a field survey :)


  4. I need to display and print multiple images on a report. They appear in Report View but only one appears in Print Preview.

    For db size reasons, I don’t want to store an Ole field also.

    Thoughts on working around this

    • Are you using latest AccessImagine 1.74?

      • Yes.

      • For whatever reason, it is working now.

    • Is there a solution for this problem? I am expierencing the same problem. I want to buy this application, but if i can’t print the pictures, i will have to look for something else. Please help!!!

  5. I have a problem with picture bigger than 400KB. I receive the error : JPEG error #53. The data are stored in a sql server field varbinary(max).
    Is it a limit of the control? How to solve it?

  6. Our school uses AccessImagine to capture student and staff photos from USB webcams so they can be printed on ID badges using our custom-built Access application.

    Four of the ID badge computers are working.

    Two aren’t. They are using AccessImagine 1.65, and I have 1.68 on the computer where I am making modifications to the app. When they pull up an Access form containing an AccessImagine control, the message pops up… “There is no object in this control.”

    Thinking that the problem might be a version mismatch, I asked IT to upgrade one of the broken computers to 1.68, but that didn’t help.

    What needs to be done to fix this problem? Any help you can offer is appreciated.


    • The error message can occur with a broken reference to a library, but in the Access project, I launched the VBA Editor and clicked Tools » References and AccessImagine was listed, and checked, and there was no indication that there was a problem…

    • That doesn’t look like a version mismatch.
      What happens if you try to insert AccessImagine object on a form on that PC?

      • Hello, Max!

        You’re right, it wasn’t a version mismatch at all.

        I opened up a new Access project, created a form, and went to insert an ActiveX object… popped up the list of ActiveX controls… and the AccessImagine control wasn’t listed.

        This was really odd, because we knew we’d reinstalled AccessImagine (using the MSI), but we tried again, downloading and installing the latest version from the EXE, and when we went back to put the AccessImagine control on the form, it was on the list. Then we loaded our ID Badge app… bingo! No more errors, and the control loaded and we were able to capture photos from the webcam.

        Thanks for the quick reply.

        • Oh, MSI installer installs 32-bit OCX only, that’s the reason.

          • Good to know. Thanks for the help; the problem is resolved.

  7. We use AccessImagine on a MS ACCESS 2007 form which has a requery that occurs periodically. We have identified that each time this occurs, the AccessImagine picture object shrinks in size slightly until it becomes tiny. The code isn’t changing, just what we see on the screen. Any resolution you could recommend?
    Many Thanks!

    • Remove the border from AccessImagine object.

  8. Worked like a champ! Many Thanks, Max D!

  9. Hi there, I need invoice for order number 206593569083. It is not OK that we did not received invoice after purchase has been made. Please send to my email address. I have tried to request it under 2CO Website but is says that order 206593569083 does not exist (that it is not true).Thanks

  10. Hi, Why I have do insert every time our licence/key code?

    our license is under “”

    • When you have developed a database with shareware (non-activated) AccessImagine, and activated it recently, you need to “touch” every AccessImagine component on every form to update it status. “Touch” mean some manipulation like “open form in design view, move component or change some it property back and forth, than close form with saving changes”.

    • Yep, AccessImagine works nicely with Access Runtime.

  11. Good Day,

    Please send us the invoice regarding our purchase # 9537312 / $78,00. This purchase was paid with Paypal. Please send the invoice as PDF to the following e-mail address:
    Thank you very much.

  12. how can I use accessimagine to link pictures to url address?

    • AccessImagine is able to show images from URLs, but HTTP only, not HTTPS.

  13. HI,

    Bought this some time ago and has been working fine until I added another catagory to our database. Is now saying not registered and asking for a code.
    Please help

  14. Hi,

    I’ve been using AccessImagine for some time now in MS Access Applications that I developed. It always works like a charm. In the documentation, you mentioned that the AccessImagine should also work in C#, and the example was a winform app. I tried it just today in both WinForm and WPF, and it didn’t work. I can see the control in Winform, but I can’t seem to bind it in the same SQL Server where the MS Access was linked to. In WPF, the control is not showing. Is there anything else that I need to do to make it work? Or it is just not compatible anymore with the version of WinForm or WPF?


  15. When installed on a Microsoft surface pro, the “take picture” icon is very tiny and the user ends up clicking/touching the image area (OnClick).
    Is there a way I can make that icon bigger or create a button (so I can use any size) to do the same function as the icon?

  16. Niby podtrzymać niemowlę? Na rękach, bezpiecznie, zostawiając inteligencję. Pod względem płatniczym, o kuriozum, czasami nie jest istotnie lichutko! Naprzeciw niniejszemu, co osobniki opowiadają, wkłady zakosztowania obcisłego dziecięcia nie są takie nieopisane. W priorytetowym roku wzrastania są niepokaźne (skrywając piersią) bądź niezgorsze (przeżuwając mlekiem inauguracyjnym). Poniższe skalkulowania wszczynają spośród wartości na sierpień 2016r. Dookoła jednakowoż uwzględniłam spory zapas. Jeśli uchwycimy pod konstatację rzeczone ilości narodowemu dziecięciu na zapewne zera bezsprzecznego nie zabraknie. Istotnie pod powodem, iż będziemy płacić okazyjnie, zaś nie w handelkach z marżą 1000%…

  17. can you please resend my license to my emailadress, thanks i need it urgent

  18. I’ve reimaged my windows 10 PC, now when I try to install I get:
    “There was an error creating a temporary file that is needed to complete this installation”
    There are hits searching google, but nothing so far has helped.

      • Thanks Max, took a bit of googling to figure this out.
        1. Open VBA
        2. Tools > References
        3. Browse
        4. look for the OCX from above and OK.

      • Then register the OCX
        open CMD window as Administrator
        CD to where the OCX file is located:
        regsvr32 /s AccessImagine64.ocx

  19. Hi, we are developing an Desktop Application for a government organization, on MS Access of Office 365. And we need an MS Access component to help us take a picture within an MS Access Form (among other capabilities). So we want to purchase a developer license for the “AccessImagine”, but, because government restrictions we need a document for proof of payment with the name of our organization in it.

    My question is, can you provide any document proof of payment (invoice-like PDF) for the purchase?

      • Great!
        Can you send me a model of the document, so I can validate it with our accounting department and if they can work with it?


  20. Good Day

    I have an Access application with a MySQL database backend.
    I have placed an AccessImagine control on a form and linked it to the MySQL data table. If I manually select an image using the control it is successfully saved to the data table. But I need to save an image imported from Excel using VBA script. This does not seem to work.

    I have searched your online support and the internet but cannot find a solution. I found some articles on the internet that state an image cannot be saved using VBA script.

    Please assist.

    Thank you.

  21. Max,

    I left a comment on this page:

    regarding the use of the AccesImagine deploy pack (1.74).

    “Love the software. I bought it and developed an application using it. I am now trying to deploy it, but despite installing the deploy pack I still get the annoying accessimagineXX.ocx is missing error. Did I mess upp in installing the deploy pack? I just ran it. Do I need to do something else?”

    I opened a form in design mode but only see the same AccessImage ActiveX control. I have a developers license.

    • Greetings!
      Does the regular installer works properly in this situation?

      • Not sure what you mean. If I install accessimagine174.exe on each machine I wish to deploy the database to, I don’t get the error. But I can’t do that because most of these machines do not have local administrators, they are domain joined and only have a domain admin. If they want new software installed they need to put in an IT ticket – for each machine.

      • Also is there a deployment pack for MACs

  22. I have a windows tablet with an atom processor, I am taking photos with the rear camera, however on a few occasions when I press the button to take the photo from the control access imagine it goes to the default photo software it takes the photo and returns it ok, but I take the second photo and does not return to access it stays in the photo software of the tablet and dont save the photo to access imagine control, what happens?

  23. I have been using this control for many years and upgraded to the developer license awhile back. For some reason I am no longer able to drag and drop an image on the control from an Access 2003 form. What may be causing this? I have created a new DB with only one form, inserted the control, set the storage path and it still won’t let me drag and drop images to the control. However, I can browse to an image and load it that way.

  24. Hi, love the control, it has solved a big problem for me in an Access survey data capture database.

    I want to take a photo by pressing another control on a form, how do you use the “Scan” function in VBA scripting?

    • Just write Picture0.Scan – if the name of AccessImagine object is Picture0

  25. When I added AccessImagine from ActiveX there is always a little text that shows “Access Imagine”
    Is there a way to hide that?

    • Yep, it will disappear after Dev License purchase.

  26. After upgrading to Windows 11 I no longer see previews.
    I only can see the full images.
    Is there a solution?

  27. Hello!
    Is there any way to display images that are allready saved on a external database, for example, on SQL Server?
    I am interested to buy a lincense of your software, so I need to know if there’s a way to show images that I have allready saved, because when I try to pull them into Access, it gaves me an error message.

    • That depends of the way you saved the images. You can download AccessImage and test.

      • I’ve downloaded the software and I tested again, but it still not showing the images that are on the SQL Server. I don’t know if there is a specific format to save the images or if there is any way to convert them into it, because I need to pass thousands of images from the SQL Server to my Access database, instead of creating a new column and adding them again one by one.

          • This method didn´t worked because the version of the tool is too much old for my Microsoft Office.
            All the tools in general from this website that you’ve sent to me are old.

  28. Hello
    Can we use blob images stored in an SQL database and linked in an access report to print labels.
    Thanks in advance

    • This will work if blob images are plain JPEGs (not OLE containers)

  29. My database has successfully used Access Imagine since around 2014.
    —The control is bound to a field in a table.
    —Recently certain networked users can no longer add photos.
    —The photo does not get saved.

    We are working in Windows 2010 and with Access 2016 32 Bit

    The control indicates: Not Registered.
    —Note: The name of the company is different from when we purchased access imagine as such my email address is only the same up to the @ symbol.
    —How can I get the product license re-registered.

  30. hi
    I use yuour control in a mdb file access and works fine in windows7/8/10

    but in windows surface with windows 11 and processor arm when i shot a photo camera app open in background ad an error occured “windos camera app error”

    can you help me?

    • Perform right mouse button click on “Use Device” icon and try different choices there, maybe one of them will work.

      • so you confirm me that your ocx has no problems when used on windows 11 on arm (example Surface Pro 9 5G, with ARM Snapdragon SoC)?

        • I’m not able to test that. Have you tried pressing right mouse button and selecting another sources?

        • At least, it works in Windows 11 ARM on Macbook with M1 ARM processor.

  31. I want to extract picture from picture field using similar code as advised in FAQ:
    For i = 1 To N
    Pic.SaveFile (“c:\MyPics\” + Str(ID) + “.jpg”)
    DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
    Next i

    where pic is the AccessImaginePicture Control, bound to my picture field, which works properly.

    When I run this code, I got the error message “Object Required…..” pointed to the line: pic.savfile…. , as I see pic control does not have the method savefile. I don’t know where is my mistake, please help.

    • You need to use your actual AccessImagine object name instead of “Pic”.

      • Dear Max D,
        Thanks for you reply, but I feel my knowledge is too limited. I still don’t know what to do next? how to adjust my code? Can you please more elaborate on the Accessimagine object, or give me some small correct example?

        Thanks a lot.

        • Select AccessImagine object and check its properties sheet, there is a name.
          More likely it is “Picture0”. Then replace “Pic” in the code with actual object name.

  32. Purchased and installed AccessImagine64.ocx ver 1.74 (Developer License)
    My system seems fine. However when I deploy a database to a user (that is not using AccessImagine) it is giving the user an reference error.
    Stating that AccessImagine.ocx ver 1.74 needs an reference fixed.
    I have a 64bit system, the user has a 64bit system.
    This database was working and written before my installation of the AccessImagine. (That database on her system does not recognize the DATE or TRIM commands.
    I tried searching for a fix, but cannot seem to find one. I don’t need to load the AccessImagine on other systems…Right?


      You can use deploy packages for that. Also there is no need to enter license details on clients PCs – AccessImagine activation info is saved in your DB.

  33. We implemented this with a repair tracking system, where the client needed to take pictures of the repairs at check-in. That works well.

    However, the system runs with a SQL Server back-end, and after the system update, we started having problems that whenever a query was drawn with date parameters in the query, an error was raised.

    After many hours of troubleshooting we discovered that all the computers HAD to have AccessImagine installed, even on computers not taking pictures.

    We cannot see how the 2 issues are related, but the problem and solution has been verified.

    • That is very strange. AccessImagine does not change any system settings during install. I do not see any way it could affect your queries.
      Anyway, thank you for debugging this out and sharing the info!

  34. Hi, sorry but this is a repeat question which I didn’t resolve yet but I couldn’t find my original post on here.

    So I have accessimagine installed and running an image on a report which displays as a QR code drawn from a query. This has been working great for a number of years, but suddenly without any apparent changes the image now only displays the ‘camera’ image instead of the QR code. I notice that when I copy and paste the report it gives the following error ‘There was an error loading an ActiveX control on one of your forms or reports. Make sure all the controls that you are using are properly registered’. My subscription with AccessImagine is live based on my email address. As per your previous suggestion, I have uninstalled and reinstalled AccessImagine. But I still get the same error and issue with the image. Any help or further suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    • As I said before that is a technical issue not connected with your license or any external changes.

      Try to open AccessImagine demo database and check if it works properly.
      If yes, try to reinsert AccessImagine object in your project to see if that helps.

  35. I have access imagine installed and it works well
    I have a code table where one of the field is image
    I have another table where image is also one of the field
    i did a combo query lookup field of some of the content in the code table to auto populate the other table with image as well.
    On the other table, I also used the active x of accessimagine as the same in the code table and all the content populates but the image tables doesn’t.
    Thats the challenge I have.
    May I know what to do.
    Also, when I created a report of same table, the entire content showed but accessimagine field did not show like the case of the form.

    • Unfortunately, I don’t know why the images are not populated.

      About report, try to lower the printing resolution.


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